Resource Center

Onboarding : Platform Readiness


This article will review:

  • Non-technical onboarding requirements to prepare in advance of Onboarding to Partnerize




Platform Readiness is the non-technical aspect of readying your campaign for launch. This is done in parallel with the technical integration and testing. Both aspects of the onboarding are reliant on each other to ensure a successful campaign launch.

The Partnerize Onboarding team will provide new customers with a template to complete listing the below information, which we can assist with configuring in Partnerize on your behalf, ahead of launch. 


User Access

Partnerize Login (Recommended)

Please provide the email addresses of all users who will require a Partnerize login to be created and the level of access they require (e.g. full admin access, specific campaign access only, read-only). Additional logins can be created within Partnerize by the brand when required.

NOTE: If you or members of your team have already created a Partnerize account using your email address, please make the Onboarding team aware as all email addresses used for Partnerize logins (across brand and partner) must be unique. 


Campaign Settings

Campaign description (Recommended)

A short outline of the campaign/ programme description and its aims.

Campaign terms and conditions (Recommended)

Terms and conditions between your brand and the partner for their participation on the campaign.

NOTE: We would advise that your terms and conditions are reviewed by your Legal team before providing to Partnerize.

Campaign logo

A logo specific to your campaign which will be visible to prospective and participating partners. Must be provided as square image with a maximum dimenson of 600x600 pixels. If left blank, the logo in Brand Settings will override.


Campaign Commissions

Default commission (Required)

Each campaign should have a populated default commission. This is a commission rule which our system will fall back to if no other rules are applicable.

Product and/or partner specific commissions

Commission rules specific to products or migrating partners which you wish to have in place for launch. Additional commission rules can be added pre or post-launch in the Commissions tab. 


Campaign Content

Image, HTML and text creatives (Recommended)

Marketing assets added to your campaign to help partners promote your brand on their website, including image (banners), HTML (widgets) and text (linked calls to action).

Product feeds

File containing all products offered by the brand, with relevant product information and promotions for partners to integrate on their site. Most relevant for retail brands who wish to partner with shopping or price comparison website partners.


Validation and Payment Settings

Campaign invoicing address

Only required to be entered if the address you want to appear on your invoices differs to the address in Brand Settings. Please make your Onboarding team aware if you will require a specific invoicing address per campaign.

Force approval (Recommended to review)

Time after the sale takes place that the conversion is approved automatically, meaning the commission can thereafter be immediately invoiced. The Force Approval Period can be set in daily increments from 1-365 days or set to "Never" if you wish to manage all validations.

Transaction queries

Disputed sales which can be raised by partners from within Partnerize directly for the advertiser to review. If this tool is enabled for all or specific partners, a Transaction Query auto-approval period must be specified.


Brand Settings

If you are adding a new campaign to an existing brand/set up, then these settings may already be configured.

Brand description (Required)

A short blurb about your brand, for prospective partners to review in Partnerize platform.

Brand logo (Required)

A logo specific to your brand which will be visible to prospective and participating partners. Must be provided as square image with a maximum dimenson of 600x600 pixels. 

Brand display name (Recommended)

The name of your brand that should be shown to prospective and participating partners.

Brand address (Required)

The address for your brand which should be used on your invoices and is visible to partners

Contact email (Required)

An email address for your brand which is visible to partners.


Sign Up Page Configuration

If you are adding a new campaign to an existing brand/set up, then these settings may already be configured but can be updated by the Onboarding team or within Partnerize ahead of launch.

Sign up page logo (Required)

Large high quality logo to be added to your Partnerize sign up page. If your Partnerize network will include campaigns for multiple brands, there is functionality to set up a sign up page per brand. Can be edited at any time within the Partnerize platform within Settings > Signup.


If you have any questions with regards to this document, please speak with your Sales, Customer Success or Onboarding representative.


You can also view our FAQ article for Onboarding here: Onboarding : FAQ's.

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