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Onboarding : Self Serve Integration Model


This article will review:

  • This particular process is aimed at agencies and partners who have greater responsibility over their integrations and are mostly self sufficient
  • It will cover:
    • The initial technical implementation steps required to adopt the Self Serve model 
    • The stages in the onboarding process to create and launch a new campaign (once initial technical implementation has been completed)
    • The roles and responsibilities for each onboarding stage
    • Detailed tracking implementation options and testing verification
    • Access to additional onboarding documentation




When brands create new campaigns on Partnerize, there are various stages to the onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition.  Agencies and partners can manage the majority of the onboarding process, if required.  Alternatively, they can follow the 'standard' integration process, where the Partnerize Integrations team are more heavily involved (see Partnerize Onboarding Process)

However, should an agency, brand or partner want to be more self service, they can opt for a custom network onboarding process, where predefined requirements and options are agreed up front, and are then applied to all future campaigns that are required.  This provides the agency, brand or partner with greater control over their integration process and will result in the campaign implementation time being significantly reduced, due to the streamlined process.

Initial Technical Implementation

To adopt the Self Serve model, agencies and partners must develop a solution that can interact with the Partnerize API to create new advertisers and campaigns.  More information on how to implement these processes via the Partnerize API can be found below:

Agencies and Partners may also want to develop this solution further and integrate with the Partnerize API to complete the below actions which may be needed as part of the Onboarding process, but these actions can also be easily performed via the Partnerize platform:

Support will be provided by the Technical Onboarding team whilst the solution is being developed and tested. 


Onboarding Steps

Once the technical implementation above is completed, new campaigns can be created via the Partnerize API as soon as the need arises.  The below steps should be adhered to when creating any future campaigns once the Self Serve Model is in place:



Stage Description Stage Owner

Create advertiser

Create the advertiser object via the Partnerize API for the new brand


Create campaign Create the campaign object via the Partnerize API for the new brand Agency
Provide Tracking Implementation Instructions

Based on the tracking solution that the brand will implement, tracking implementation instructions will need to be provided to the brand, along with the campaign_id that was generated when the campaign was created.

Note: If Partnerize Tag is chosen as the tracking solution to implement, a tag will need to be created and have First Party Tracking enabled via the Partnerize API.

Implement the tracking onto the relevant brand confirmation page The chosen tracking solution must then be implemented on the brand site Brand/Agency
Perform a test transaction using a test publisher tracking link

The brand/agency should submit a test transaction via the LIVE site.  Testing instructions can be found below:

Note: A publisher account will need to be approved onto the campaign before a test link can be generated.  See Appendix 10 for details on how to approve a publisher to a campaign via the API

Verify test details to make sure all data tracks as expected

Confirm that the test transaction has tracked and all transactional data is correct.

If the test has not tracked, the brand/agency should perform some initial investigation to establish why the test sale may not have tracked.  

If the reason for the test not tracking cannot be identified by the brand/agency or PZ, this will need to be investigated further by the advertiser

If the test has tracked but there are issues with the data (i.e. parameters not populated correctly), this will need to be investigated further by the advertiser

Provide Partnerize with test order details Provide Partnerize ( with the test order details (i.e. Order ID).  Please also include the Campaign ID for the campaign being integrated. Agency
Verify test details to make sure all data tracks as expected

Confirm that the test transaction has tracked and all transactional data is correct.

If there are any issues with the testing, this should be documented and communicated to the brand/agency

Enable Currency Conversion Module

Only applicable if partner payments will be processed by Partnerize

Brand/Agency should confirm the default converted currency to use for all campaigns

Launch Campaign from a technical perspective

Once the tracking implementation has been successfully tested, campaign checks will be performed to ensure that:

  • Test transactions have been submitted and meet the successful testing criteria

  • Any test conversions have been rejected

  • All campaign settings are correct / as expected.  The brand/agency will use standardised campaign settings, covered in the Standardised Campaign Configuration section below

  • Final checks are completed

The campaign can then be set live



Default Campaign Requirements

For all campaigns on the network, standardised requirements and campaign settings will be used​. There will still be options for technical variations per campaign (Destination URL, Campaign Name etc), and this can be included in the new campaign request.

Below are the standard settings that will be set for all networks that utilise this integration process: 

Campaign requirement Default Campaign setting Notes

Cookie Period

30 days N/A
Force Approval Period Never N/A
Append URL parameters
TBC by Agency N/A

Default Converted Currency

TBC by Agency
  • Only applicable if partner payments will be processed by Partnerize

  • Agency should confirm the default converted currency to use for all campaigns

Conversions per Click Unlimited N/A
Duplicate Conversion References

Completely Ignore Duplicates


Deeplinking Enabled Yes N/A

Reporting Timezone

[GMT+00:00] Greenwich Mean Time (Europe/London) This can be updated once a campaign is live to a more suitable timezone, if required
Default Publisher Commission Rate (%) TBC by Agency This can be updated once a campaign is live, as default commissions will differ per brand

What to Invoice

Publisher Commission & Network Override N/A
Who performs the payments Payments are performed by Partnerize N/A


Tracking Solution to Implement

We recommend that the following approach is taken to web tracking:

As agencies and partners may have multiple campaigns with different brands, it is still possible to implement different solutions for different brands, depending on the individual requirement.  However, tracking parameters should be standardised.

In addition to the above solutions, should any brands be working with eCommerce platforms, we also have the following integrations:

Testing and verification

Once tracking has been implemented, a test order must be placed on the live brand site to ensure that tracking has been successfully implemented. The tests must be reviewed and meet criteria referenced below, before tracking implementation can be signed off.

Step 1: Place test order

Place the test order as per the instructions in this document:

Step 2 : Check Partnerize to verify test transaction

There are two ways in which to check if the test conversion has tracked and also the validity of the data:

  • Via the Partnerize platform
  • Via the Partnerize API

Option 1 : Check conversion data via Partnerize platform

  • Log in to the Partnerize platform
  • Access the campaign that is being tested
  • Navigate to Analytics > Transaction Report
  • If the conversion has tracked, this should appear in the Reporting Table:


  • You can then perform the checks (see Step 3 for detailed instructions on what should be checked).  You can check the item level data using the Conversion Items table, shown above, and check any additional item metadata by exposing the data points via the 'Columns' drop down

Option 2 : Retrieve conversion data via Partnerize API

Use the below API endpoint to retrieve the conversion data:


The below values will need to be injected into the relevant parameter within the API call:

API parameter Description
app_api_key Can be found in the platform via Account Settings > User application key
user_application_key Can be found in the platform via Account Settings > User API key
campaign_id The campaign ID for the campaign that is being tested
order_id The Order ID for the test order that was placed

Populated API call example (NOTE: Example values have been used for illustration purposes):

Once the above values have been injected, the API call can be pasted into your browser

If a transaction has tracked successfully, you will receive a response containing all of the conversion data associated with the order. The response should appear like the below example screen shots:



Step 3: Testing verification & success criteria

If a successful response is received, check each test order for the following:

Test condition Parameter name to check values Description / Success criteria Example value
Correct item value used item_value
  • Is the item_value correct and consistent with the value for the items placed? (NOTE: The value used should be the net item value)
  • The item_value should be a value greater than 0.01. If the item_value is populated with 0.00, this could be due to any voucher codes applied, but please check this
  • Negative or empty/blank values are not permitted
Correct/valid voucher code used voucher_code
  • If any voucher code was used, has this been correctly passed into the voucher_code parameter?
  • If no voucher code was used, this parameter should be empty/blank. No values such as 'NULL', 'NO VOUCHER', etc. should be used, as they will be treated as actual voucher codes
Latest/correct clickref used clickref
  • Is the correct clickref value present? This should be the clickref from the most recent click
  • For example, if there have multiple clicks via the test partner link, different clickref values will have been generated and the last clickref generated should be associated with the conversion
Correct Order information tracked conversion_reference
  • The Order ID that was generated at order confirmation must be passed into the 'conversionref' parameter
  • This ID is the unique transaction ID within the brand's own system, and is used to validate conversions within the Partnerize platform
  • Should be populated with the local currency used for purchase.
  • Must conform to the ISO 4217 3-letter currency codes.
GBP, EUR, USD, etc.
  • Should be populated with the top level product category
  • Should be populated with the product SKU for each item within the order
Multiple items tracked correctly N/A
  • Have all individual items tracked as expected? (NOTE: You should place an order containing multiple items for each test)
Live site testing N/A
  • Was the test transaction placed via the live brand site?

If any of the above tests fail and do not meet the success criteria outlined above, then this will need to be reviewed by the agency / brand / partner. Once resolved, a further test will need to be placed and checked in the same way as above.

Troubleshooting tips:

Potential issue Steps to check
No conversions shown in the Partnerize platform
  • Check the date range selected in the platform to ensure that this corresponds with the date the test order was placed
  • Ensure you are logged into the correct campaign (for instances where there are multiple campaigns on one network)

If these are correct, this means that the test transaction has not tracked.  Further steps to check: 

  • Was a link clicked prior to placing the test order?
  • Was the test order placed via the live brand site?
  • Has the tracking been implemented on the live site?
  • If the answer is YES to all of the above, then contact the Partnerize Integration team for more assistance


If NO response is received when querying the API:
  • Check that the API keys, campaign ID and order ID are all present and valid

If the conversion count returned is zero, this means that the test transaction has not tracked.  Further steps to check: 

  • Was a link clicked prior to placing the test order?
  • Was the test order placed via the live brand site?
  • Has the tracking been implemented on the live site?
  • If the answer is YES to all of the above, then contact the Partnerize Integration team for more assistance


Next Steps

Contact your Partnerize Sales representative or Customer Success Manager if you are interested in adopting the Self Serve Integration model.


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