Resource Center

Tracking FAQ's : Branch MMP (Mobile measurement partner)


This article will review:

  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) for Branch MMP integrations




This guide will cover the most common FAQ's when working on a Branch MMP mobile app integration.



Below are answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the implementation of the Branch MMP.

Q1 - Can I track installs?

A - Yes. Branch can track installs and this will be forwarded onto Partnerize. The only consideration here is that install and then subsequent purchase will use the same clickref, so you’ll need to ensure you’re able to support 2+ click usages to track both the install and purchase. generate and pass through.

Q2 - I have enabled Partnerize in Branch, how do I enable this in Partnerize?

A - Please refer to our Branch Integration guide here - Branch Mobile Tracking Integration. This guide will outline each step of the process and how to enable this within Partnerize.

Q3 - The clickref is not coming through in the Branch link?

A- As part of the integration phase, you must add 2 data parameters (including the clickref) into the Branch link prior to adding this into the Partnerize dashboard. This is outlined in the guide here - Branch Mobile Tracking Integration






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